Four of Tesla’s models are about to increase their prices, and the increase is quite impressive, including the Model 3 and Model Y, which have increased the price of $2,000, and the Model S and Model X have increased by $5,000. It is worth noting that in addition to the increase in pricing, the delivery time of new cars has also been extended. The standard version of Model 3 and Model X will not arrive until September next year, Model S will be in June next year, and the fastest Model Y will be at least Wait until next May.

At present, the official has not explained the reasons for the price increase and order delay, but it is nothing more than a decline in production. Especially during the epidemic, the shortage of automotive chips has caused a considerable blow to the automotive industry. Model S has stopped production in the first half of this year. , after the price increase may slightly slow down the market demand, so that the current order can be delivered in time.

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